Music has been part of our history since its inception. Our ancestors made music by beating drums or blowing primitive flutes carved from bone. Thousands of years have passed since then, and with the passage of time, the music has become more complex and … also louder. Is the musicians’ sense of hearing at risk? Do they also need earplugs? Find out below.
Why should the musician use earplugs?

When we think of a heavy industrial worker, it is impossible to imagine him without glasses, helmets, gloves, and the rest of his protection. However, when we think of musicians and the music they make, it would never occur to us that a danger lies behind a beautiful concert.
The working environment of a musician, that is, when he practices with the other members of the band in unison, can easily reach and even exceed 100dB. Considering that there are genres that can generate sounds with very high decibel levels, then, hearing protection for musicians begins to sound like something quite logical, isn’t it?
Could I listen to music the same way with the earplugs?
Maybe it sounds a bit contradictory —and that’s the main reason musicians refuse to wear earplugs—, but earplugs won’t alter the way you perceive music —although if you can feel some discomfort while you adapt. The ear plugs are designed to provide true-to-life sounds; their purpose is to considerably reduce the amount of decibels that our ears can perceive, as well as the dangerous high frequencies.

hearing protection for musicians
Educate your ear so that it does not reject protection.
A musician with sufficient musical background has a high level of auditory memory. However, the use of earplugs can alter the musician’s auditory memory in some way, especially in musicians who play melodic instruments. This does not mean that you should dispense with musical protection if you are a guitarist or singer, on the contrary, it means that you must educate your ear until you can adapt to protection.

protecting your ears with ear plugs
Do we who listen to your music at concerts also need hearing protection?
Hearing protection is not something that only concerns musicians. All people who operate recurrently in environments with decibels higher than 85, are at risk of gradually losing their hearing. If you’re one of the people who go to music concerts a lot, then you should consider protecting your ears with ear plugs too. The music earplugs produced by Sian, high fidelity, will not make the music sound change. On the contrary, it will make the music clearer.