It is well known that strong noise can cause ear discomfort, such as tinnitus and ear pain.I believe many people have experienced it. The children scream loudly next to your ears, the ears will buzz suddenly, and they will recover soon.What about long-term listening to high-intensity noise?The answer is that it can cause hearing loss. First, it will be inaudible. Over time, hearing loss will slowly develop into deafness.
Deafness caused by noise can be difficult to treat. There is currently no truly effective treatment.
In terms of preventing hearing loss caused by noise, the following points are summarized:
- Control and attenuate noise sources, reduce noise pollution in the working environment, control noise intensity below 80 decibels of safety and health standards, or use sound insulation materials to achieve noise reduction effects.
- Wear earplugs, earmuffs, helmets and other protective equipment to reduce the time of exposure to noise.
- Avoid listening to music with headphones at high volume for long periods of time.
- Try not to go to high noise environment, such as bars and other entertainment places. If you must go, filter earplugs are recommended to reduce damage to your ears.
- For shooting enthusiasts, it is recommended to wear earmuffs to protect hearing when shooting.